• Why DMARC ?

    Secure your email. Stop phishing. Protect your brand. Ensure customers see your logo in their inbox

    Enhance your cybersecurity insurance's assessment score

    Take control of your email marketing identity with BIMI

    Improve email open rates to drive marketing ROI

    With so many people working remotely, Google is going forward with BIMI. With BIMI, every email becomes an opportunity to increase customer engagement. Initial BIMI pilots have shown that displaying recognizable brand logos adjacent to email messages increases open rates by an average of 10%. The single most important factor (72%) in opening an email is if it comes from a recognized brand. BIMI and DMARC help legitimate email senders to be recognised as trustworthy senders to ensure email delivery to inboxes.
    Improve Your Cyber Security Rating with Our Support

    Email security and anti-spoofing

    Stop fraudsters from misusing your domain

    More than 90% of all cybersecurity attacks start with an email. DMARC.fr helps you secure your domains from email impersonation and phishing attacks.
    Employing, domain-based sender identification and authentication, DMARC ensures that only trusted domains, contacts, and services can send email on your behalf — or be allowed to deliver email into your employees’ inboxes.
    With so many people working remotely, it's more important than ever that the tools we use to stay in touch and productive are safe and secure.
    dmarc record

    Increased Email Deliverability

    DMARC is a marketing dream come true

    Starting in February 2024, Google will require DKIM alignment and a DMARC policy for senders sending over 5000 emails per day to Gmail. Yahoo will require bulk senders to authenticate their emails, facilitate easy unsubscribing, and send only relevant emails to enhance the email user experience
    DMARC test

    Protect your email domain. Protect your brand.

    Spoofing Lands your Brand Image, Customers & Employees into Risk

    When your organization’s email domain gets spoofed by hackers and abused in phishing attacks on consumers, your brand takes a direct hit. Protect your domains with full DMARC enforcement so only legitimate senders can send email as your brand. Furthermore, customers will not call or send email to ask about phishing messages if they never receive those messages in the first place.

    Discover new services

    Map the apps used by your organization

    Implementing DMARC helps you gain visibility and oversight into these “shadow IT” cloud services, regardless of where they originate. We also enables you to either authenticate these cloud services, giving them the ability to operate on your behalf, or to shut them down
    DMARC and M365 Security

    Facilitate your migration to Microsoft 365 or Google Workplace

    Put your cloud in order

    If you’re migrating to Microsoft 365 or Google G Suite, we will also help you test which cloud services currently in use will be compatible with your new enterprise mail services and which will need to be updated, all before you start the full cloud migration.

    Meeting the New Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards

    Comply with the Norm

    Starting from March 31, 2025, the implementation of DMARC will be mandatory in version 4.0 of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards to protect businesses against email attacks such as phishing. DMARC, recommended by the PCI SSC, will be required for robust email authentication. The PCI SSC establishes the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to ensure the protection of cardholder data during payment card transactions.